Email Security

Digitally sign and encrypt emails to prove ownership and prevent tampering. Ever received emails that say they are from you? What happens if your customers receive emails like that? Get a digital signed email certificate to assure your clients that it's safe to open your emails.

Secure Email - Digitally Sign & Encrypt Emails

Digitally Signed EmailGlobalSign PersonalSign Certificates use S/MIME technology to allow users to digitally sign and encrypt email. Digitally signing an email proves authorship and prevents tampering, assuring the email recipient that the email came from you, not an imposter, and that the content of the email has not been altered in transit.

Encrypting email ensures message privacy and keeps sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands.

Secure Email is achieved using GlobalSign's Digital Certificate solution called PersonalSign. PersonalSign Certificates are cryptographic signing certificates that bind your verified, physical identity to the certificate so recipients of email messages can verify that the email actually came from you.

Secure Email for the Enterprise

For organizations looking to implement an enterprise-wide secure email solution, Enterprise EPKI is the answer to managing multiple PersonalSign Certificates for S/MIME. EPKI offers simplified deployment options and full Certificate management capabilities, so administrators can issue, renew, reissue, and revoke PersonalSign Certificates throughout their organizations. EPKI offers significant cost savings over purchasing individual PersonalSign Certificates and robust reporting features allow organizations to monitor Certificate activity from one centralized account.

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